RS3 3D Finite Element Analysis

Gambar RS3 3D Finite Element Analysis

Surface & Underground Excavation
Designed to analyze stress, deformation, stability, and groundwater flow of surface and underground excavations. Simplify even the most complex civil, geotechnical and mining based excavations using powerful 3D finite element analysis trusted by engineers globally.

Groundwater Seepage
The solution for seepage analysis is RS3’s powerful groundwater analysis tool, capable of analyzing groundwater flow through dams, embankments, slopes, tunnels and excavations.

Shear Strength Reduction
Automate your slope stability analysis using Shear Strength Reduction method. With a single mouse click, locate the critical failure point and determine the strength reduction factor of your slopes.

RS3 across Applications

Design and analyze tunnel excavations and support systems with features like multi-stage analysis, 3D simulation of support installation and the 3D tunnel designer.

RS3 seamlessly integrates with

Improve your FEM analysis with the direct integration with RS2. With a shared materials library, you can easily transition between 2D and 3D. Import RS2 models into RS3 to carry out 3D finite element analysis or use the RS2 section creator to export a cut of the 3D model to quickly analyze critical sections in RS2.

The same geometry and material libraries from RS3 are also in Slide3, making it easier than ever to transition between programs. Import Slide3 models into RS3 to verify slope stability results or take the model one step further with RS3’s stress-strain, groundwater and dynamic tools.

Effortlessly copy your material properties from RSData, our program for analyzing rock and soil strength data, strength envelopes and other physical parameters, and paste them into RS3 for a more streamlined workflow.

Explore the latest features in RS3

User Data Options
Increased functionality for not only viewing principal stresses and displacements but creating contour plots of stress tensor and displacement components and write mathematical expressions containing these components.

Advanced new data visualization upgrades are available in the latest version including customizable viewport display options, grid data with coloured point clouds, user defined planes to view normal and shear stresses, and more.

Sensor Data Import
Import sensor data directly into RS3 to create model geometry from Reutech, 3VGeomatics and Maptek data.

Grow with our Learning Resources

-RS3: Modeling Complex 3D Geometry Without the Frustration

-Using Rocscience Tools to implement Deep Foundation Resistance while performing Slope Stability Analysis

-3D Modelling of Underground Excavations with EX3 and RS3

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